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Credit goes to these amazing ladies;
Alissa - @havestroller
Amy - @theBitchinWife
Denise - @sdenise
Kelli - @mommaneedsbeer
Michele - @scrappinmichele

Scrapbooking and Craft Adventures - Engineer by Education, Scrapbooker by Passion
Test Test.... Hello blogasphere! I am trying a new tool that will hopefully allow me to blog a little easier (which leads to me blogging more often). Testing out Posterous and hope that it pushes to my blogspot blog and I can post on the go from my phone since I am unable to find an app for Blogger/blogspot.
What blogger apps to you use on your phone that you find helpful?
I was selected for this very special “CleverHaiti” opportunity by Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity. All opinions are my own.