Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reverb 10 | Prompt 13 | Action

December 13 - Action

"When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step? (Author: Scott Belsky)"

I took sometime to think about this one. I am a do'er so there is always something on the go so and always a next step. But if I had to choose one to focus for 2011 and really make a part of my like it would be my health. I have made it my Personal Top 1 at work to loose 15 pounds. This is not just about loosing the weight but about making a lifestyle change so I am happy about who I am inside and out. I want to make "good choices" when it comes to my health but still enjoy life as well.

My next steps to do this is to integrate both yoga and running back into my life 2 times a week each. I need to utilize my mornings hours to take a run before work in order to both jump start my body and focus myself for the day ahead. Once this is done I am not too concern about the numbers on the scale but the smile it will put on my face.

**I write this blog while sitting in the hotel lobby of Riu Cancun awaiting for my roommates to awake from the afternoon nap : )

One more post to catch up on for Reverb 10!

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