Thursday, December 23, 2010

Reverb 10 | Prompt 16 | Friendship

December 16 - Friendship

"How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? (Author: Martha Mihalick)"

I am not sure if I could boil this down to one person but more to the change/additions of friends I have added to my community.

Working in 2009 I worked in an office that I just didn't seem to fit, I would here of others talking abut their friends they had at work or meeting for drinks after work and I just didn't get it, I didn't have that. For the longest time I had assumed that socializing at work was not the norm, or at least not the norm in my industry. Even though I told myself this I still felt like something was missing from my work life and I felt lonely each day.

I realized that work was where I was spending the most of my time and I was lacking true interaction other than the daily meetings and shop talk.

So I needed a change and that change came when I starting working in the event planning world. I was meeting people left, right and center. Connecting on facebook, twitter and coffee dates. I found myself with a social network that was also my industry community. This was all very new to me and I am still treading water but I am liking it. I am in a place now where I can be one whole person and not work Katie and Social Katie.

Sop in 2011 I am going to concentrate on being the best person I can be, one whole and complete person!

Here's to friends in all areas of your life!

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